Gift ideas for the Home Barista

With great quality equipment for coffee brewing being more accessible than ever, there are so many options if you are looking for a gift for the budding home barista in your life.

From useful bits and bobs to keep the coffee flowing to a full espresso bundle worthy of being the centrepiece of any kitchen, we've got an option for every budget. Plus, for each gift option we have a suggestion for the ideal subscription, to compliment your brand-new kit!

Useful Stuff

First up, for smaller occasions (such as Father's Day next week!), you can never have enough useful stuff for your household coffee set up.

Inexpensive necessities such as filter papers and all-important cleaning tablets are always going to be handy, or perhaps a neat place to empty used coffee grounds such as a Sage Knock Box.

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Small Home Barista Gifts

If you've never heard of an AeroPress, you're in for a treat. This portable, cylindrical gadget (invented by a retired engineering professor) is perfect for both at-home experimentation and alfresco coffee making - it's the brew method of choice for camping enthusiasts across the world.

Many believe the secret to its popularity is the incredible range of flavour balances that can be drawn out of a coffee by using different recipes - by varying grind size, extraction time, and water ratios, there truly is a method to suit every roast and every taste. Check out our AeroPress Brew Guide to learn more about this awesome brew method!

Pair with a three month Discovery Coffee Gift Subscription, or get 15% off any of our coffees when you purchase a piece of small equipment online.

Coffee Gifts for Working From Home

Looking for a simple solution for a pot of coffee that lasts all morning? The elegant Moccamaster Select has a 1.25l capacity, yielding 4/5 mugs of delicious, balanced filter brew.

The built-in hot plate will keep your coffee warm for as long as you need, helping you stay focused through the working day. The Moccamaster has long been recognised by the Speciality Coffee Association as one of the best automated speciality coffee brewers you can buy.

Throw in a Single Origin Subscription to guarantee tasty mornings, every day of the week!

Push the Boat Out!

Do you know a budding home barista who wants to dive into the world of espresso?

Get £50 off when you purchase a Sage Bambino Plus espresso machine with a Sage Smart Grinder Pro - everything you'll need to recreate your favourite barista-made coffee at home. The Sage Bambino even features a truly impressive auto-steam wand, making perfect milk every time (we're not joking - we are genuinely impressed by this feature!).

With espresso, consistency is key. That's why we recommend a House Espresso Subscription - select a coffee at your preferred roast level, from sweet speciality to punchy Italian.

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Chimney Fire Coffee Roastery Tour Chimney Fire Coffee

Learn Something New

Our popular roastery tours and experiences make an ideal gift for the home barista in your family.

Choose from our flagship Bean to Cup Coffee Experience, or a shorter Roastery Tour. During these Saturday sessions, participants will learn all about how coffee is grown, processed, roasted, and brewed.

Gift vouchers are available (valid for one year after purchase), so there will be plenty of time to find a date. PDF vouchers are usually emailed shortly after purchase, and can be printed off or forwarded on to the recipient.

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