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This honey processed coffee is one of our very favourite farms, and we are excited to share a Discovery Coffee grown by them for the fourth year in a row. 

This time round, they provided us fun flash cards along with their samples, each one containing a taste note and a syllable. We were invited to create our own word from the syllables on the cards, and ours was FRU-SO-DRU - creamy, stone fruit, and honey!

Can't wait to find out where this coffee is from?

Click to reveal


Each month we will be introducing a new and interesting coffee from around the world. This could be a new origin or region that we haven’t sourced from before, a new process or varietal, or something seasonal with a unique flavour profile. The origin and coffee information other than the flavour and roast profile will be purposely hidden and you will only be able to find out where this coffee is from by scanning the QR code on the front of the bag. This is simply because A) we want to introduce the element of surprise, B) we want to remove origin bias, and C) it’s been fun for us to make up the clues for each new coffee!

We only have a limited supply of each new discovery coffee and each new coffee will only be available from the 1st until the last day of the month. Discovery Coffee Subscribers and people that sign-up to our newsletter will have first priority on this coffee so don't wait too long if you'd like to try something new!

Find out more about our previous Discovery Coffees here.


As part of our Discovery Coffee initiative, we’re incredibly pleased to partner up with Re-Cycle (Bikes to Africa), a small charity who recycle bikes from the UK and ships them to rural communities in Africa, changing people’s lives for the better and saving the environment at the same time. Chimney Fire Coffee will be donating 25p for every 250g bag or £1 for every 1kg bag of Discovery Coffee to support their work and help make it easier for people to get to work, school or other necessities. For every 28 kilos of coffee we roast, a single bike plus spare parts will be sent to Africa.

We’re really excited about introducing this coffee to you and hope it will give some an opportunity to showcase new and interesting origins, flavours and stories. We also want to highlight that feedback is welcome! Whether you really like or dislike a coffee, please let us know - you never know, we might end up sourcing it and adding it to our core range for the next crop year!

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